Friday, January 29, 2010

Being a beloved daughter of your father ... What a sweet feeling! I always used to feel on the top of this world!!! As a child, I always tried to accompany him and cherish those small moments we shared together. My father is very interested in the spiritual side of life and he always kept himself busy attending yoga and meditation classes and reading spiritual books. So, even though I hardly understood most of the stuff, I still used to go b/c he was my driving force.... Just because daddy is going let me also go... After going, I may yawn and sleep, unable to understand the great philosophy being discussed... but still I never want to miss my next chance going with him...  Years of knowing him makes me feel all the more special...

Whether I am that little child or  a college student or Masters graduate or a married girl... he was the same overprotective (which bothers me a bit) father...who is always concerned to see me happy.

I learnt to be honest and truthful from him, which is very dear to me. And life rewarded me with whatever I asked for... through him.

Last year, when I came from India, I was not that upset leaving them... may be the excitement to join my new home was too high. But now, it had been 4 days since I came... and I think of them all the time...

Having said that, I fight a lot with them ... I still don't understand this paradox why we fight the most with the people we love the most...